Monday, July 26, 2010

The "Traditional" Novus Ordo group

Well, here we are again. I've been very busy lately, but I had to find time to write about something that has been on my mind. Recently, I found myself in a situation where I HAD to go to a Novus Ordo "mass". After much thought and speaking with the priest from my chapel I did my best to prepare myself for what was coming.

I hadn't been to a Novus Ordo "mass" in almost a year and I was not looking forward to it to say the least. Father said the best way to deal with the Novus Ordo is to obviously avoid it, but if is impossible to avoid go but do NOT participate. They may call themselves Catholic, but they are no more Catholic than the Eastern Orthodox or the Methodists who say the Creed on Sundays. Anyway, I tried to mentally prepare myself for this and pray as much as possible before, during and after. The place that I had to go was associated with a very "traditional" Novus Ordo group and when I say "traditional" I mean no girl altar servers or lectors, incense, no hand holding during the Our Father, some women covering their heads, etc. That being said, I was still blown away with the lack of reverence and the many liturgical abuses (to Novus Ordo standards anyway) that went on. They ranged from the lack of bowing by the presbyters to the presider coming down from the sanctuary to give the sermon, communion in the hand, etc. They still refer to Protestants as "our brothers and sisters" know where I'm going with all this.

The fact is they STILL don't get it. They still praise John Paul II and name their kids after him even though he kissed the Koran, had a prayer service with all the Protestants and Voodoo priests in Assisi back in the 80's, as well as participating in sacrilege with various religious sects. These are people that should know better.

After going to one of these services I soon realized that nothing had changed and nothing will change with them. The whole time I was there I prayed my Rosary and asked Our Blessed Mother to help open their minds and hearts to the sacrilege that was happening before our eyes. They hear fabricated doctrine and hear and see completely un-Catholic deeds, but still have no clue (or maybe it's no desire) to find the Truth. We just have to pray that God will open their eyes and their souls to the Truth.

I truly believe that with the way things are going with the Novus Ordo one of two things is going to happen. First, the Novus Ordo is going to crumble and people are going to either jump ship to some Protestant group or they will find the true Faith and realize there is no Pope. Or second, a miracle will occur and there will be, by some divine intervention, a true Pope placed over the Church and all will be restored. Hopefully this day will soon come and we can all rest easy again. It will be a great day when this occurs. I might never see it in my lifetime, but if that is the case, so be it. I can still be a good Catholic and still receive the Sacraments while all this going on in the world. We must stay vigilant and keep the faith.

Luke 18:7-8 says: And will not God revenge his elect who cry to him day and night: and will he have patience in their regard? I say to you, that he will quickly revenge them. But yet the Son of man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, faith on earth?

Those are definitely words to make you think. Many people just don't realize how badly they have been deceived all these years. We MUST keep the Faith even when it looks like all hope is lost and the world is overrun. God will provide.
Pactum Serva

Please pray for a true Pope.
Holy Father St. Dominic, pray for us.
St. Catherine of Siena, pray for us.
St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for us.
Our Lady of La Salette, pray for us.
St. Joseph, Most Chaste Spouse, pray for us.
St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us.