I haven't written in a while because I have been working on the website for the last month or so. I just wanted to write briefly about a letter I ran across tonight.
Just to give you a little background:
In Cullman, Alabama there is a Benedictine monastery called Christ the King Abbey. Fr Leonard Giardina founded this Abbey in 1984 after receiving the Abbiatal blessing from Bishop McKenna. Fr Giardina has been a priest since 1949 and has held to the Roman Catholic faith ever since. He left his original monastery after seeing the devastating effects of the Second Vatican Council and what it did to the Roman Catholic faith. He realized that he must do everything in his power to continue the traditional Benedictine order and founded the Abbey.
Now to the subject of the letter. In 1999, "Bishop" David Foley of Birmingham, Alabama issued a letter to the "Catholics" in the area stating the status of Fr Giardina. You can read the letter for yourself here on EWTN's website. It states:
Now, let's look at this statement. "Bishop" Foley says that Fr Giardina' Masses are illicit and that he cannot validly administer the Sacraments of Penance or Matrimony. First of all, "Bishop" Foley is not really a Bishop at all. he was ordained a Catholic priest in 1956, but was invalidly "consecrated" in 1986. When the Rite of Episcopal Consecration was changed by false "pope" Paul VI it left out many parts that Pope Pius XII said were essential for the Consecration to take place. I'm not going to get into that tonight, but you should look it up for your own knowledge. I plan on having that information up on the website very soon. Now back to the matter at hand. Fr. Foley has no authority to take away Father's right to administer the Sacraments because he is NOT a bishop. He's not even a Catholic anymore for that matter.
One of the most interesting things about this is the wording in Fr. Foley's letter. he says "I advise the faithful that they should not attend these Masses". He also says they would not fulfill their Sunday obligation by their attendance. I find that very interesting. The Novus Ordo clergy have truly become spineless when it comes to what they claim to believe. To put this into perspective: If this were 60 years ago and a true Roman Catholic Bishop were making a statement such as this about, let's say, an Orthodox group, he would FORBID them to attend the Orthodox liturgy. Plain and simple.
Now to the second part of the statement from Fr. Foley. He states: "Because they do not possess faculties, they cannot validly administer the Sacrament of Penance (hear Confessions), nor validly perform Roman Catholic marriages (Sacrament of Matrimony)." What's almost laughable about this is what he stated in parenthesis. He has to explain what the Sacrament of Penance is and that Marriage is called the Sacrament of Matrimony. Now before you get upset, notice I said almost laughable. It is a very sad and serious situation. People have been lulled to sleep over the past 50 or so years by the Vatican II religion. If they were truly Catholic and taught the Catholic faith these things would have never taken place. People in the Novus Ordo religion are completely un-catechized and have no idea what the Catholic faith is. False "popes" John XXIII through Benedict XVI would have it no other way. Maybe if this were an Anglican or Lutheran group "Bishop" Foley would have asked Fr Giardina to participate in a joint covenant like he did HERE in 1990 in Richmond, Virginia with "A Call into Covenant" with the Anglicans and Lutherans in Virginia.
This letter from "Bishop" Foley was written in 1999 and may seem like it is irrelevant today. It is very much the opposite. This is just an example of what goes on in the Novus Ordo religion on a regular basis and will continue to happen with Conciliar Rome until we have a true Pope. These men will continue to deny the Roman Catholic faith and lead many more into darkness.
On another note, please pray for the Abbot. He had a stroke recently and needs many prayers. May God bless you.
Pactum Serva.
Please pray for a true Pope.
Holy Father St. Dominic, pray for us.
St. Catherine of Siena, pray for us.
St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for us.
St. Pope Pius V, pray for us.
St Pope Pius X, pray for us.
Our Lady of La Salette, pray for us.
St. Joseph, Most Chaste Spouse, pray for us.
St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us.