Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Life has been crazy lately......

I apologize for not having written in so long; my personal life has been pretty busy lately. I am actually in the process of leaving a job that I have been trying to get out of for a while now and dealing with the stress of that has been overwhelming at times. I have done a Novena to St Joseph and have complete faith that he will help me find employment. I have been worried about how all this will play out, but I know that God works on His timetable and not my own.

I just wanted to write shortly about the whole Novus Ordo issue. It all basically boils down to the fact that what goes on in those buildings in not Catholic, from the "mass", the outright denial of the pillars of the Faith, the doubtful (at best) Sacraments, to the liturgical and other abuses that continue to run rampant in the Vatican institution. The Church has had its dark days, but what the Church teaches has and will never change. The Novus Ordo has changed what they teach, believe and practice to please man rather than God. Plain and simple.

On another note, there will be some pretty major additions coming soon to the website: . I will FINALLY be adding my conversion story which might have to be in a few different parts due to length. I assure you that it will, at the very least, be interesting and probably similar to what you have seen and dealt with in your life in the Novus Ordo. Not to give away too much, but for the last few years I have had a very internal view of the goings on in a certain Conciliar church here in the United States. Hint: look above in the first paragraph of this entry. Once I add it you will be able to find my conversion story in the tab titled "Tales from the Trenches" or click here. I will also be adding some stories from some very close friends of mine.

I ask for your prayers and I will leave you with this quote below that comes from Read it, think about it and pray for discernment from the Holy Ghost.

"We are what you once were.

We believe what you once believed.

We worship as you once worshipped.

If you were right then, we are right now.

If we are wrong now, you were wrong then."
Please pray for a true Pope.
Holy Father St. Dominic, pray for us.
St. Catherine of Siena, pray for us.
St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for us.
Our Lady of La Salette, pray for us.
St. Joseph, Most Chaste Spouse, pray for us.
St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

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