Sunday, September 25, 2011

Current Issues

In these days and times we are faced with many adversities as traditional Catholics: lack of Sacraments, lack of priests and Bishops, being ostracized by everyone and some cases by our fellow trads. There are many problems in the world of traditional Catholics, but it seems the one that creates the most division is who we associate with (our affiliation if you will). There are many different groups: the independents, SSPV, CMRI, ORCM, Feeneyites, etc. Every time you mention that you go to one of these chapels (any chapel for that matter) you will get a pat on the back or a strange look and quite possibly a cold shoulder. I'm not going to go into the differences between these groups because I don't have the time to write it and you probably don't have the time or desire to read it.

I'm writing this not only due to the divisions and differences between all the groups, but because there are so many things floating around on the web that it seems there is no unity and to be honest, there's not much right now. If you take a look at all the different traditional Catholic sites you will see this one speaking ill of that one and that one speaking ill of this one. Frankly, it's disturbing and unnerving to a lay person who just wants to go to Holy Mass on Sunday and receive the Sacraments and try to live a holy life. It's nearly impossible to stay out of the mess that's going on in the trad world much less the world itself. Sometimes these things ARE important issues, but for the most part need to be handled as private matters. They are not meant for to break down and pick apart for our own amusement. I can not for the life of me understand why some of the things that are made public ever see the light of day, especially on the world wide web. We as a part of the Church, as the FACE of the Church (at times) have to get it together. We can NOT continue to cause division amongst ourselves ESPECIALLY in a public manner. We can NOT continue to drag fellow Catholics and especially Catholic clergy through the mire. The last time I checked, the Catholic Church is a hierarchy, NOT a democracy. If we have a problem with a decision that has been made by a priest or a bishop we have the capability to speak to them personally to discuss it. If an issue involves another group or congregation, it is exactly that: ANOTHER group or congregation, not ours. Frankly it is none of our business. It is up to their priest or bishop. Not ours. and if it does involve our priest or bishop our first avenue of complaint surely can not be the world wide web.

Think about this for a minute: Do you think someone that is thinking about leaving the Novus Ordo would really be interested in coming to the Church when all they see is the constantly stirred pot of slander, calumny and ill will of those associated with traditional Catholicism? I think we all know the answer to that question. I do realize that some things that are said are of a very important nature and possibly even involve grave sin. But what we have to understand is that none of us are without fault and ask ourselves if we would like our decisions made public for the world to criticize. Yes, I know, I know, some of the things being said are about priests and even men that are consecrated as Bishops and sometimes these accusations are even made from the clergy themselves. Yes, I know that they should be able to handle these issues, but unfortunately sometimes these things can be very difficult in nature due to the time period we live in. These men need our support and most of all our prayers. It's hard enough to deal with the situation they are in during this period of Church history and even harder to deal with the laity at times. Pope Leo XIII's Prayer to St Michael states " when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered." Unfortunately these are the times we have been given to live in.

As I stated before, sometimes the issues that I'm speaking about even come from the clergy, but we must keep praying for them, NOT report to the world every time we feel they didn't do things just the way we would like. Last time I checked I'm not able to change common bread and wine into the Sacred Body and Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. We must show them our respect because that's exactly what they deserve and and that's exactly what they should get. Their level of culpability is much higher than ours and they will answer to Our Lord when the time comes. On the same note so will we. Will you be able to say that everything you have done is charitable and truly with the best interests of Christ's Church? I pray that I will.

I know that this little blog that probably has no regular readers is not going to help or have much of a voice, but I hope those that might read this will realize that these are difficult times we live in, but we must remain charitable to one another and especially to the clergy if we are to function as Catholics and live holy lives. Be thankful that we have the Sacraments and keep praying for each other and especially our clergy. They have many difficult decisions to make and they need our support at every turn.  

May God bless you and Mary keep you!

Please pray for a true Pope.
Holy Father St. Dominic, pray for us.
St. Catherine of Siena, pray for us.
St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for us.
Our Lady of La Salette, pray for us.
St. Joseph, Most Chaste Spouse, pray for us.
St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us.


  1. We are listening...

    Although, admittedly, it is hard to let go of some of the issues, the BIGGEST one IMHO being the issue of the Thuc consecrations: Valid, or not? hmmm...

    I agree though, we should NOT publicize everything the priest says or does that we do not like.


  2. Dear Anonymous,

    Thanks for the comment!

    The Thuc line is a very important issue to almost every Catholic because many of us (myself included) receive the Sacraments from a Priest or Bishop from the Thuc line. That being said, any questions or doubts I may have had in the beginning were resolved when I read Griff Ruby's book "The Resurrection of the Roman Catholic Church". He devoted a whole section in his book about it.

    If that isn't enough check out Mario Derksen wrote 100 pages on the subject. If you have time check it out!

    May God bless you and may Our Blessed Mother keep you!

