Due to all the negative press the Conciliar church has been getting due to sex abuse scandal in Ireland, Germany and the United States I thought I would comment on these different cases from a true Catholic point of view.
These cases are just the by-product of the liberalism of the 1950's and 1960's and the people and ideas that were rearing their ugly heads in that era. Those same people, namely false "popes" John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI were all right in the middle of the Second Vatican Council and specifically it's outcome.

Notorious heretics Frs. Ratzinger and Rahner wearing a suit and tie to the Scond Vatican Council
Let's look at Ratzinger for an example: He has, since "elected", been the definition of a heretic according to all true Catholic teaching. From his prayers at the wailing wall to prayers in the mosque in Istanbul to his preaching in a Lutheran "church" and a COUNTLESS list of other heresies that he has taught from denying that the Old Covenant with the Jews is dissolved to saying that the words of consecration are meaningless in his book:
"There is an obsession with the letter that regards the liturgy of the Church as invalid and thus puts itself outside the Church. It is forgotten here that the validity of the liturgy depends primarily, not on specific words, but on the community of the Church..."
-Principles of Catholic Theology, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger 1982.
His main pals coming up the ranks were Karl Rahner and and Hans Kung.
Rahner holds some wild ideas about the Eucharist:
"In 1966 the late Fr. Karl Rahner stated that "one can no longer
maintain today that bread is a substance, as St. Thomas and the
Fathers of the Council (of Trent) obviously thought it was".For
Rahner, the "substance" of a thing did not include its
the consecration of the Mass, the physical bread remained physical
bread but it now had a new "meaning" of spiritual food because it was
now a "symbol" of Jesus Christ."
....as well as his view of vows of chastity and celibacy, considering he had a girlfriend for 22 years.
Hans Kung is in the same boat. He believes abortion is an option and blames the sex abuse scandal on the uptight view of sex held by the Catholic Church.
Those are just a few of the things these heretics believe and profess while denying the authority and teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. These are two of Fr Ratzinger's aka. Benedict XVI best friends and mentors while coming up through the ranks. Due to some of his writings, Pope Pius XII placed him under investigation of the Holy Office for suspicion of heresy.
I don't need to go on and on about all the heresies of these men because I don't have the time to type it all out, but the point I am trying to make is that these liberal modernists, from the beginning, have done everything they can to unseat and disrupt authority and now the fruits of their labor are being reaped by all those post-Vatican II "Catholics". The last 45 years of liberalism and modernism are starting to wear and show negative effects, not just to the liturgy and faith of the those in the clutches of the Conciliar church, but unfortunately, to many people on a physical level as well. These people and all those in the Conciliar church need our prayers not only for for the devastation that has been inflicted upon them, but for the realization of the Truth.
Pactum Serva
Please pray for a true Pope.
Our Lady of La Salette, pray for us.
St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
St. Dominic, pray for us.
Also, many people laud Summorum Pontificum as a restoration of the Traditional Latin Mass...not so. S.P. establishes the Novus Ordo "Mass" as the ordinary rite of the newchurch, directly stating that those who want the '62 Mass are "pledging allegiance" to the Novus Ordo in everyway...