Let me begin and introduce myself! I am a convert from the conciliar church. I have only been in the True Church for a few weeks now, but I thought it might be helpful to document my conversion for others to know what it is like to leave the Conciliar church.
I grew up protestant and come from a heavily protestant family. I fell away from "church" when I left home and it took a major event to get me to realize I needed to wake up and figure out what to do with my life. I started searching for the answers. I looked at everything from Buddhism to Islam to Mormonism. I realized the only True religion was in communion with Christ so I began to examine the different Christian "denominations". I studied tirelessly to find the Faith. It didn't take long for me to realize that THE Church was the Roman Catholic Church. So I grabbed a phone book, called up the local "Catholic" church and got started. When I came to the local "Catholic" parish I assumed they were Catholic. Needless to say, when I started going, I wasn't impressed. None of the things I had read about the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church were present. I thought to myself "Well, no parish is perfect" and "things did change after Vatican II" so I went on praying and going to the Novus Ordo mass very frequently. The more I was involved and the more I read, the more I realized something was very wrong. No one from the laity to the parish priests to the bishop believed or observed what the Roman Catholic Church had taught for centuries. If you dare said anything about the goings on, in or out of the parish, you were ostracized and label a "crazy conservative" or a "radical". Now, granted, all Conciliar Church parishes aren't like this, but most are. More on that later......
I began to re-read the Church fathers and re-read Church Council documents and things started to clear up. Something was seriously wrong. So I started looking for answers. The more I looked around in old Catholic books and on the Internet, the more I saw many Traditional Catholic websites and began to read them. Many of these sites need to be taken with a grain of salt, but there are some good quality sites that have good solid information for Catholics. I stumbled across a site that was run by a sedevacantist (more on this term later in the article). We corresponded by email MANY, MANY times and didn't see eye to eye for a long time, but the more Church documents I read I began to understand why these sedevacantists lived their faith in the catacombs, so to speak.
This is just part of my story. Let's talk about some issues. When I say "Conciliar church" I am speaking of the product of the Second Vatican Council. Before the Second Vatican Council convened in 1962, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church (the Roman Catholic Church) was at its height. Seminaries and and convents were full , priests wore cassocks and sisters wore habits, Mass attendance was at 75%, lines to the confessional were long and most people actually believed in the True Presence of Our Blessed Lord in the Most Holy Eucharist. The Mass of the Ages (the Tridentine rite) was still being said in all Roman Catholic parishes. Total reverence was expected and given at all times. You get the picture.
I will not go as far as to say things were perfect in the Church though. What the Church teaches and believes has ALWAYS been perfect. The people in Holy Mother Church are not. Since the 1950's certain groups representing liberal/Masonic interests began to make their way into the Church hierarchy and in positions of leadership. Subsequently they convened/controlled the Second Vatican Council and changed history forever in the Church. With the signing of the Second Vatican Council came total changes in theology, sacraments, etc. Because of those changes the majority of the hierarchy of the Church fell into heresy and led much of the Catholic laity into heresy with them. There were some, howbeit few, that realized exactly what was happening and rejected the heresy that was Vatican II and all it stood for. These True Catholics are sometimes called sedevacantists. Sede vacante is Latin for "empty seat". This means that the chair of St. Peter is empty and has been from the time of John XXIII. This is not the first time this has happened, but it is the first time it has happened for this length of time.
A perfect example of the new religion that came out of Vatican II is how the Church has always considered prayer with heretics (protestants, muslims, jews, etc.) to be heretical and anyone that was involved in activities like this were considered heretics and excommunicated from the Church. Now when the Conciliar church gets together to pray with these heretics it is called "Ecumenism" (see picture below). False ecumenism. TRUE ecumenism is when you proselytize (try to convert) non-believers and heretics by telling them the Truth and praying FOR them, not WITH them. You don't go on their turf, you invite them to yours so you can lead them to conversion. Why would a true Roman Catholic go to a protestant service? The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church is the TRUE Church These other religions are fake churches that either left Holy Mother Church or created their own religion.
False "pope" John Paul the "Great" kissing the Koran, a book that denies the Holy Trinity
How can spotless Holy Mother Church believe something for nearly 2,000 years and one day, out of the blue, COMPLETELY go against what it has taught? It can NOT and it did not. These people that engage in these activities are heretics and True Catholics did not then and WILL not now engage in these heretical activities.

How can spotless Holy Mother Church believe something for nearly 2,000 years and one day, out of the blue, COMPLETELY go against what it has taught? It can NOT and it did not. These people that engage in these activities are heretics and True Catholics did not then and WILL not now engage in these heretical activities.
This is all I am going to write about today, but I promise there will be much more to come. I know this may all seem very confusing at first, but I will expound MUCH deeper on all of the things I have talked about and bring many more topic to the table.
Maybe you identify with what I went through. Maybe you wonder if where you are is the True Catholic Church. It was a hard road of conversion for me and many of those I know, but with much prayer, especially the Rosary, and after reading the Church Fathers and Church Council documents I know you will gain a better understanding of the True Roman Catholic faith. I understand this may sound strange, but I assure you what I will write and show you is the truth and has always been the truth of the Church. I also hope to post articles from friends that are true Roman Catholics and have written many articles and even books of their own. The advice I would give you is to pray to Our Blessed Mother and the Holy Spirit to help lead you to the Truth! May God bless you with understanding!
Pactum Serva
Please pray for a true Pope.
Our Lady of La Salette, pray for us.
St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
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