I haven't written in a couple of weeks and I have been praying about what I should discuss this time around. The topic that has kept nagging me the most is the well being and state of the Roman Catholic Church. This is a very relevant topic and affects all of us from where we receive the Sacraments and spiritual advice, who we actually can trust and associate with, who is actually Catholic and who isn't, etc.
I'll start out by addressing where we receive the Sacraments and get spiritual guidance. This can be tricky at best because of the people that "offer" the Sacraments. There are many different groups that claim to offer the the Sacraments, but there are only a small number that licitly and validly give them. The Conciliar church doesn't give valid Sacraments because they don't have valid Orders to enable them to do so. The reason they don't have valid orders is because false pope Paul VI illegally changed the Ordination Rite (and the Episcopal Consecration Rite) in 1968. You might ask: What about the old priests that were ordained before 1968? Those specific priests can still give valid Sacraments as long as they follow the old Rites. During Vatican II they also changed the Sacraments along with the liturgy and the Faith itself. All of the changes made in Vatican II were made to modernise and Protestantize the Roman Catholic Church so (guess who?) Protestants would find it attractive. Because the Novus Ordo church follows these invalid changes from the Second Vatican Council to the Roman Catholic faith and Sacraments they are heretics, plain and simple and they cannot be trusted. My comment on all this speaks for itself: when Our Blessed Lord came to this earth and spoke of things that were hard to hear, He did not run after those that left Him (John 6:67). He let them go. We are to preach to the ignorant unbelievers and the heretics (Jews, Protestants, Muslims, etc.), but we are NEVER to change for their sake. Christ didn't change His teaching to suit anyone and neither should we.
There are some groups such as the SSPX and the FSSP that still use the old liturgy and some of the Rites for the Sacraments, but many of the SSPX priests were ordained in the Novus Ordo Rite and left because they didn't agree with all the modernism in the Conciliar church. As far as I know, the FSSP uses the Novus Ordo rites for all of their "ordinations" and that would render them invalid. All of that is another topic for another day.
Now that is out of way we can discuss the traditionalists within the Conciliar church. There are many people, like myself that are (were in my case) within the Conciliar church that are of the following groups:
1-Around during Vatican II and don't know what to do now that all that "was" the Catholic Faith is gone
2-New to the Conciliar church and realize things are not what they seem to be from the outside
3-Raised in the Conciliar church and don't understand all the chaos that has been going on their whole life and why their church doesn't practice what they claim to be
These people are in a sad shape. Believe me, I was one of those new ones that started complaining right off the bat that things were not right. When you go to "mass" and there is no consistency to what is going on in the liturgy you realize something is very wrong. The liturgy varies from "priest" to "priest" and parish to parish. That, my friends, is wrong. Plain and simple. The variations I speak of are: hand holding during the Our Father, standing or sitting at the inappropriate time, clapping, "priests" leaving the altar area, liturgical dancing, female altar servers, using glass or wood for sacred vessels, communion in the hand, "Eucharistic ministers" to EVERYTHING in between. I'm sure you have seen this many times if you have been to a Novus Ordo "mass". All the people I listed above see these things and cringe. If you don't, you are either ignorant or a heretical and liberal modernist. Neither is a good thing. If you think Christ is pleased with that garbage you have another thing coming. In my case, I tried my best to keep the faith the best I could and "hope the next pope is better and straightens things out". The only problem with that is we could wait a hundred more years and all that the modernists in the Conciliar church are going to do is become more Protestant and modern.
I hear all the time "The new seminarians are very traditional and orthodox". To whose standards? The Novus Ordo church? I suppose maybe the new seminarians are heterosexual, so maybe that makes them "orthodox". I will put it this way. I know almost all the "priests" in the "diocese" I live in and out of the hundred or so, I would say maybe three of them are "orthodox" and that is to Novus Ordo standards. Out of all the ones I have met probably only 10-15 of them are not homosexual. If you receive communion on the tongue or you tell a "Catholic"around here you pray the Rosary every day, they look at you as if you have three eyes! THAT is the shape of the Conciliar church and what the "traditionalists" deal with on a daily basis. It is very sad because many of them don't know what to do. I sure didn't.
This brings me to the point about the older generation that lived through Vatican II and all the changes that were made. If you lived at that time it was definitely a shock. When someone that you think is the pope starts making changes, what else can you do but follow? I couldn't imagine the horror some must have felt as the consecrated High Altars were destroyed and thrown in the dumpster and replaced by tables. Tabernacles were hidden in closets (if you think I am exaggerating read this book). the Mass of the Ages was replaced by a liturgy that a child could memorize and perform. This also relates to the generation that has grown up in the Conciliar church. They sit and wonder where the Faith has gone. The fact is, the Faith isn't gone. It was taken from them and they were lied to. They have much in common with the older generation. They all try their best to be reverent when no one else is. They pray the Rosary and have devotions to the Saints and Our Lady. They truly have the desire to be Catholic and to do what Our Lord and His Church would have them do. The only problem is that they are not IN Christ's Church. They think they are because they believe there is no other option. That is the issue that I take VERY personally. Many of these folks don't know where to turn. There are so many true Roman Catholic priests out there that we can receive the Sacraments from and turn to for advice, but they are non-existent on a public level. You really have to know what to look for to find them. That is a shame because that is where the true Roman Catholic faith is. I want people to know the Truth. It is NOT in the Conciliar church. They are NOT what they claim to be.
Here's some homework. I actually found out about this through my own studies. Look on the Vatican website and try to find ANY of the documents from the 21 Church Councils. The only council documents on the site are from Vatican II. I looked ALL over and could not find any trace of them. I'll let you figure out why for yourself. (Hint: It's because they don't want you to see them!)
My best advice to you is to contact a traditional Roman Catholic priest or bishop from CMRI or Bishop McKenna's chapel. Both of these sites are listed on the right side of the page and just ask them some questions. Talk to them. They WILL listen and do their best to help you understand. These men have valid Holy Orders and are in the lines of valid Bishops. You have to realize that the Conciliar church LEFT the Faith. All that is wrong with the Conciliar church today is because of the modernization and liberalization of the Faith during Vatican II. It is NOT the true Roman Catholic faith. Ask yourself this question: Who changed? The old saying is: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
I know all this is very hard to hear. I was a convert to the Conciliar church and it was definitely easier for me to leave than many of those that were raised there. Your whole life has been invested with these people. But the Truth is the Truth and it doesn't matter what you or I or anyone thinks. The sky is blue whether you believe it is or not. All I ask is that you pray to Our Blessed Mother and the Holy Ghost to guide you to the truth. May God bless you and your family with understanding.
Pactum Serva
Please pray for a true Pope.
Our Lady of La Salette, pray for us.
St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Holy Father St. Dominic, pray for us.
St. Catherine of Siena, pray for us.
St. Joseph, pray for us.
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